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How i lost my virginity

This isn’t a story of how
‘Deolu dis-virgined a girl
rather how ‘Deolu got dis-
Long ago, okay not too long
but before I reshaped my
life. I was an introvert, I
kept to myself most of the
time. My first girlfriend
wasn’t the girl I lost my
virginity to. Quite frankly, I
cannot locate the girl whom
I lost my virginity to
anymore, shameful isn’t it?
The only thing my first
girlfriend gave me in
abundance was kissing.
I can remember the time
when I was ‘toasting’ her, I
was shaking like a fish out
of water. It wasn’t my fault,
then I dint have much
exposure to women, I had
few interactions with
women. I was in a boarding
school and our hostel
wasn’t mixed. I used to
receive love letters back
then and I dint know how to
reply them. I just dint know
what to do with women.
Thankfully, I didn’t spend
much time in the boarding
school in Ogun state then, I
didn’t partake in the bush
smooching or forest sex
like my other peers. I was
too timid, finishing from
school I decided I needed to
change. I wanted to be the
ladies man, at least to be
comfortable around them
with the hope that it would
eventually help lead me to
lose my virginity.
I thought losing my virginity
would have been sooner
but I had to wait till I was in
higher institution for my
first sex. After watching
loads of porn, I prepared
myself. I surf online and
self help dating sites, and
boy! They were much; they
were all offering virtually
the same thing. I read about
Don Juan, read almost all
the articles on Those
articles were purely based
on interactions in the
western world, talking
about flowers and stuffs,
things that can’t work on
this side of the world.
The manuals and
instructions couldn’t carry
me far but they helped me
learn a thing or two with
women, they helped me
prepare. Pick-up lines have
always been useless, they
spoke about ice breakers
which would have been
ideal abroad. I read a lot of
these articles and the most
important part of the
exercise is trying them out.
My favorite part of the
whole experience then was
to look at her, pay genuine
compliment, study her
mood, look for the easiest
and most natural way of
breaking the ice, and have
about 5 follow-up questions
to get the conversation
I wasn’t a party freak, I
couldn’t get any headway
then, but in school, I tried it
out on a certain fancy chic
in my class. It worked. She
became my first and only
friend in school for about a
year then I started having
other friends.
Chatting up girls in buses
was also one of my favorite
past time. I mastered that
act like it was going out of
business. I exchanged
contacts with about 30
girls, and all brewed from
conversations with them in
our public transports. One
of them stood different. I
can remember I was going
to Yaba, and there was this
girl beside me, kind of
skinny, average boobs and
ass. She was seated beside
me, her mood was good, I
started the conversation
with good afternoon which
she replied to gladly and
we continued to talk till she
got down at Palmgrove or
so. We exchanged
numbers, I was using a
Nokia 2100 then.
Boy! Those were the days.
However, there was one
terrible flaw with this chic,
not sure if it was a flaw or
if she was just trying to
keep up. Her English was
terrible, when I noticed I
tried to switch to Pidgin
English but she would
switch back to proper
English. Her English was so
terrible that listening to it
almost gave me headache.
However she later turned
out to be the chic who took
away my virginity.

After the bus incident, I
didn’t call her for about 2
weeks and when I called,
she was happy to hear
from me regardless. I
invited her over and
without hesitation she said
okay, which was strange, I
was hoping she would deny
my request.
When she came, we chatted
a bit, my student room was
made in such a way that,
you’d be bored and sex
might just come up, No TV,
just books which I dint
read, there were there for
It wasn’t my first time of
been with a woman, I know
how to touch and caress,
just that no girl has allowed
me into their honeypot yet.
The conversation kept
coming and our interaction
was getting funnier. I also
learnt how to touch in those
articles, very informative
shit. I touched her, one
thing led to the other, and
before I could tell we were
kissing. I used my hand in
other places like caressing
her boobs, putting my
hands underneath her top
and she was getting
aroused herself.
I pulled her top over her
head, unhooked her bra
and the next thing I saw
surprised me, I couldn’t find
her nipple, the areola was
there, but the nipple was
missing, it was just
inverted, the nipple was
inside her boobs inside of
sticking outside.
That dint change my mind, I
continued sucking her, she
kept moaning, I wanted to
undo the zip of her jean
but she wouldn’t allow me,
so I went back to her lips,
there was no nipple to twist
like a radio’s knob. I went
back to sucking on it again.
I took my hands down there
again; she pushed my
hands off and asked if I
had a condom….JACKPOT!!! I
screamed in my head but I
dint have any condom in my
room. I was still dressed,
so I told her, I would just
get it in the second room.
My erection was quite
visible, so I pulled it up and
put it where my belt buckle
was to hold it from been
visible to everyone.
I ran out of my building to
the next aboki shop on my
street which was about 10
blocks away. It was crazy, I
ran like my life depended
on it, well my virginity
depended on it then. I got
there and there was one
elderly lady buying stuff for
her grand children, I
allowed her finish, then
bought 3 packs of Gold
Circle condom, back then it
was 20 bucks. I ran back
home and hoped she hadn’t
changed her mind, cursing
myself for not having a
condom around the house,
who does that, I continued
to blame myself.
I got home, panting like
crazy, I looked at her on
the bed, and she had my
bed sheet over her. I was
hoping she didn’t dress up
the instant I left. She saw
me panting but dint comment
about it, now that I
remember, it was actually
I put the condom on the
table and went back to
kissing her, I lost the
erection I had earlier on.
Soon I got my erection
back, and I yanked
everything off, I gave her
one condom and she
strapped it on for me, I
couldn’t believe I was about
to lose my virginity, I didn’t
seem to care or feel
awkward about premature
or no premature
ejaculation, all I just wanted
to have was my first shag.
I continued smooching and
kissing her and then I held
my dick against her inner
thigh, unsure of where to
put my dick, she used her
hand to guide my dick into
her pussy. It was tight, and
been an amateur, I put it in
a little and continued
fucking her without my
entire shaft going in, In our
traditional mummy and
daddy style, she grabbed
my butt pushed it deeper
into her, and that was when
I let out a sigh.
It was nothing short of
spectacular, the whole of
my shaft in there, so this is
what sex feels like, I
continued to fuck her,
increasing my pace inside
her until finally I exploded
into her.
As a naïve asshole, I pulled
out of her been scared that
condom might break, I saw
my own cum flood the
condom, kneeling with my
head bent in between her
legs. We had sex one more
time after that, and that
session was way longer
than the first one and her
scream was louder than the
first one
That is the uneventful way
I lost my virginity. Funny
thing is we never saw each
other again after that day.
Sadly, I haven’t seen
anyone who looks like her
till today, maybe she is a
One of the things I’m
grateful for is reading
those articles those times I
did. They opened my eyes
on interactions, especially
for my bus trips, because I
have met a lot of ladies
through that means. Some
we still talk till today and
some I haven’t even seen
in a long time, but I fell in
love with one and till today,
it feels like we just met. So,
I took advice on how best
to handle your crush, and
it’s just a two words

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A husband and wife are trying to set up a new password for their computer. . . . . The husband puts, "Mypenis," and the wife falls on the ground laughing because on the screen it says, . . . . . "Error. Not long enough." !!!!!!!!! Courtesy of
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[2016-12-30 01:04:16] noph :

what the fuck....

[2016-11-07 08:13:25] coke :


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